우리 첫과 두 번째 말 축제. 예쁘지, 그렇지? These are our first and second language festival for our Korean class. The ladies dressed up in hanbok, their favorite attire. Usually we sell some Korean food. And the most famous one is Korean noodle, ramyeon. It will sell out right away. People will start to order once they see the noodle. The buyer hardly pays attention to the price because it only appears every language festival. The other language classes will sell the food of their own. The French class will sell French food and play French games. The Japanese will decorate the stall in Japanese style, bamboo. They also sell the food and the Japanese accessories. The Deutch class will sell their own food. Last year they dressed up in football t-shirt team due to the atmosphere of world cup. Sometimes the visitors come from other school or the students’ parents or the people from the neighborhood. The music is very various. Each class plays their own music. My Korean class...