Korean Food/Buchimgae
Playing Frying Pan Game/BTS We played a new game called Frying pan game (프라이팬 놀이) with our Korean guests in our Korean Class. It was fun. It’s like catching the mouse game. We learn the Korean numbers in the same time. Say, if your friend mentions your name and the number, you have to mention your name according to the number he/she mentions previously. For example, if your friend says "Dana dul (2)", so you have to say your name twice, "Dana...Dana" and so on and so on. If you make a mistake, well, you get the punishment. The type of the punishment depends on the agreement of the players. They are many types, trust me. Just choose one. This game was played on one of the TV programs in Korea hosted by Kang Ho Dong (강 호 동), Hye Ryong said. 재미 있네요. 우리 애들이 놀이를 좋아해요. But hey! BTS too played this game on one of their TV shows. You can check out the video here So far, we have learned many Korean games. Mostly we got...