Dae Jang Geung Celebrating Idul Fitri

In Every Idul Fitri our house always becomes the center of our neighborhood. Maybe it’s because we have stayed here longer than the rest. The guests will come in a very new and fresh outfit they have. We,… don’t ask. The ritual of wearing new clothes had gone for years. Even if we bought some fabrics, we couldn’t wear it since mom will never have enough time to sew them.
This is our rituals. Wake up lazily in the
morning, pray, asking for forgiveness, and wait for the guests to come. Wait
for a little while to make sure that all of our neighbors have visited us.
Next, change the clothes to the very usual one because you are going to be busy
in the kitchen making cookies. It’s been our habit to make cookies on Idul
Fitri day.
New Trend
So, this year we want to impress others with our look, new
refreshing and odd look. The night before Idul Fitri, I suggested my sisters to
wear Hanbok (Korean traditional outfit) since I have some. Well, I usually buy
second-hand Hanbok for every school language festival, so I have some.
They liked the idea and in the morning as usual after bathing we
used the attire. But that day none of us (my sisters and I) prayed. You know
why of course. Therefore, we waited at home looking glamour in our
When the guests came we caught some curious look from our guests.
We were so satisfied (what a narcissist!). Somehow our satisfaction didn’t last
long when we found out that the visitors were not as many as the previous Idul

“Jang Geum, Jang Geum”
We couldn’t show up T__T. Yet, my two sisters came out with their
own ideas. When my mom asked them to give something to my mom customer, they
insisted on wearing that attire (See, we’re a real narcissist!).
Upon returning they said some kids screaming “Jang Geum, Jang
Geum” at them. Jang Geum is one of the most favorite
Korean drama where the actresses wearing Hanbok all the

Hmm, it felts like somewhere in Andong (one of the place in South
Korea famous for its tradition).
To comple the day, we took our family pictures still in Hanbok. It
sure is a different type of Idul Fitri for us ~^^*