Basically we’re villagers, so farming is something that is always attached to us (except for my siblings and I since we’re more attached to internet and computer ^^). Due to the notorious Avian Influenza and H5N1 virus, my dad stopped raising chicken because my siblings and I were so paranoid. We begged him, well more appropriately we forced him to stop raising those chickens for awhile. So, as the compensation he started to do farming in front of our house. Since we have neither yard nor garden, he had to do some creative and innovative farming. He bought some pots and used some unused paint buckets to grow the vegetables. Actually, we do have this small tiny winy yard but I wouldn’t call it yard because it’s more like a small path. He uses that small path to grow a guava tree, a kind of green plant which I don’t know the name, pandanus tree and the one I couldn’t find the English name for it, it’s called suji in our place. The plants are various. There are green cabbage, leeks, red pepper, pare and leunca (I don’t know their English and Latin names) and strawberry but it died. My dad is really expert in farming and breeding. On the other hand, my mom is not as expert as my dad though back then in her young age farming was her main duty. She was lucky she could grow pariah. If we feel like cooking some of those vegetables, we just go to the front of our house and take some. Hmmm it’s so fresh. Now my dad started to raise some chickens again, can’t help it. So, now not only we can get fresh vegetables but we can also get some eggs. Hehehehehe, they are a great folks or what! Love you Mom, Dad *^___^*