That’s how I called the fever which is spreading now in my house and my school. Andrea Hirata’s fever is very strong. One of the symptoms is you are going to be glued to the book. New facts have been proven. My mom and my brother are the living proof. She almost finished the book which she started to read on Sunday. Sang Pemimpi is the one she is reading right now. To our surprised she could read quite fast concerning she’s not having much time. Well, not only she is a house wife but she is also a dressmaker. So, in between her work, she took some times to read the book, I showed you the photo of her reading the book around 8 P.M. Before going to bed, she spared her time to read first. Cool Mom! She told me the book was interesting. Some of the stories felt the same as hers referring to the part when the three guy—Arai, Ikal and Jimron—had to wake up at 2 A.M. and worked as a labor before going to school. The different is in the workplace. My mom had to work at the hills in the mountain before going to school (she was an elementary school student), the three guys worked at the harbor carrying buckets of fish. My sister told me that our cousin also interested in reading the book. It happened when she visited our house after picking up her child from school, she saw my mom reading the book and she read it loudly in the end they shared some laughter.
Now is my brother. In between his work, he spent some time to read Laskar Pelangi. I guess he read when he’s in the bus between going to work and going back home from work and also during his break at work and home. I put his photo. My mom and my brother were reading the book at the same time. Nice coincidence since they both read in different rooms and each of them didn’t know that they were actually doing the same activity. It’s such a lovely view for me.
In the school now people started to talk about the books and read. Some have to be in the waiting list because the book is being read by other teacher. Nur’s books now are spreading among the teachers. Today is our first meeting after the long break. And the topic of our conversation is none other than Andrea’s books. Bu Mieke and Andi are our partners. People started to get curious and ended up borrowing the book from Nur. Hehehehe ^____^v. I even brought up the issue in our monthly meeting today in front of our Headmaster. I think he’s glad knowing that his teachers are now busy with reading the books. And others who heard of my story about Andrea’s books started to question who and what. Soon, our school will be busy with teachers who share laughter and tears as the effect of reading Andrea’s books. There’s no other great sight than that one. I am smiling from ear to ear ^________^v. If only book is cheap, I am imagining myself seeing people glued to books in between their work and study. It will be a great view. And my country won’t be left behind and only known for its notorious action.