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Showing posts from May, 2007

Korean Movies 허브,마음이, 죄강로맨스

Recently I have watched 5 Movies. 3 of them I considered worth buying and watching. The rests are so so. The title are 허브,마음이 and 죄강로맨스. Let’s talk about허브 (Herb). Well, although the title will lead the audience to think that it might be a story about a florist or something that it has to do with flower, it turned out to be different. But still it has flowers in it. The story started showing a girl who was doing an interview. She told about the fairy tales and how it should have ended. She disagreed with the plot of the story based on her mother point a view. The girl’s name is Sang-eun (상은). She’s a beautiful 20-year-old girl. She looked normal but actually she was rather slow. Her mind was still like a 7-year-old girl. She grew up with her mother and her mother’s friend and also her 7-year-old friends. She liked to dream about the prince in the stories she has read. One day she bumped into her prince of charming. Instantly, she determined that he’s the prince she’s been waitin...

Korean Restaurant (한국 식당)/냉면,갈비탕 ,두부찌개

Korean Restaurant On last Friday, I was taken to one of the Korean restaurants in Bandung. It is located in Jalan Sukajadi. Although I have tasted some of Korean dish, but I have never been to Korean restaurant before. So, it was my first visit there. The Menu The dish names are written in Korean and Indonesian, so you won’t get confused. My Korean friend Hye Ryong and Won asked me to choose which food I would like to have. They are many of them which I haven’t tasted. But for that day, I decided I would like to have 갈비탕 (it’s beef rib soup) and they ordered another food 냉면 (cold noodle) and 두부찌개 (spicy tofu soup). Before that they almost ordered food that has 돼지고기 (pork) in it. Luckily, her husband remembered that I am a Muslim. Ice in Noodle? I was surprised to see ice inside the noodle on 냉면 . It actually has ice. Since the day was hot, so it was suitable. Before eating, we were given side dish or  반찬 . They are served on small bowl and they are many. ...

프라이팬 놀이/Frying Pan Game/BTS

Playing Frying Pan Game/BTS We played a new game called Frying pan game (프라이팬 놀이) with our Korean guests in our Korean Class. It was fun. It’s like catching the mouse game. We learn the Korean numbers in the same time.  Say, if your friend mentions your name and the number, you have to mention your name according to the number he/she mentions previously.  For example, if your friend says "Dana dul (2)", so you have to say your name twice, "Dana...Dana" and so on and so on. If you make a mistake, well, you get the punishment. The type of the punishment depends on the agreement of the players. They are many types, trust me. Just choose one.  This game was played on one of the TV programs in Korea hosted by Kang Ho Dong (강 호 동), Hye Ryong said. 재미 있네요. 우리 애들이 놀이를 좋아해요.  But hey! BTS too played this game on one of their TV shows.  You can check out the video  here  So far, we have learned many Korean games. Mostly we got...

인도네시아 음식 (Indonesian street snacks)

We have eaten some of the Korean dishes. Now, it is our turn to introduce our guests, Hye Ryong and Won to our Indonesian food. They are Bala-bala, Cakue, Cireng and Onde-onde. After eating 부침개, we remembered our Indonesian food called Bala-bala. The taste is almost the same. For Bala-bala, you need carrot, cabbage and you can add shrimp if you like. Mix all of them with flour and fry the mixture in small size. You need tapioca for Cireng. You can add ground peanuts—which was mixed with some red peppers—inside. I don’t know the recipe for making Cakue and Onde-onde. Well, you can always search it in the internet, right? So, finally our Korean guests could taste the Indonesian side dish. Hye Ryong said that they had the dish that tasted the same like Cakue and Onde-onde but they didn't have Cireng in Korea. Well, you can only find Cireng in Bandung and maybe in Sundanese area or some towns near Bandung. After tasting those four side dishes, we took them to Sorabi parlor. Sorabi or ...

Snack Khas Korea, Hotteok, 호떡

Snack Khas Korea, Hotteok 좋았어 ! 재미 있어 ! Akhirnya, sukses juga nyoba masak makanan Korea. Kali ini aku coba buat Hotteok atau dikenal juga dengan nama Korean Sweet Pancake. Dapat resepnya dari sebuah blog namanya…My Korean Kitchen. Apa itu Hotteok? Seperti yang disebutkan di atas, hotteok itu seperti pancake bentuknya. Yang membedakan Hotteok dengan pancake isiannya. Hotteok ada isian kacang di dalamnya. Biasanya kacang dengan madu. Jajanan khas Korea ini terbuat dari terigu dicampur tepung beras ketan dan ditambahkan gula, ragi dan susu. Bahan dan Cara Membuatnya Cukup campur tepung terigu dan beras ketan, lalu tambahkan air. Selanjutnya, masukkan gula, ragi dan susu. Setelah diuleni, biarkan beberapa jam hingga menggembang. Setelah itu dibuat bulat-bulat dan diisi dengan kacang dan madu, atau jika mau diisi dengan yang lain juga bisa. Oh, iya jangan lupa kayu manis supaya Hotteoknya wangi.  Lalu setelah itu di goring di wajan datar dengan cara ditekan-tekan...

Korean Food/Pajeon/부침개/파전 (SMA PLUS MUTHAHHARI)

Korean Food/Pajeon You have been introduced to the sweet Korean pancake. Here’s another pancake from Korea called 부침개 . The Ingredients You need to have 부침가루 and 부추 . The rest will be of course water and salt. Then for the sauce you will need soy sauce ( 간장 ), vinegar ( 식초 ), and sesame oil ( 참기름 ) and sesame seeds ( 참깨 ).   The Cooking Process After you add water to the flour, you prepare your pan. Add a little bit of cooking oil. Then put the mixture into the pan. Put 부추 on the top of the mixture. You can see in the picture. Flip the mixture. When it is done you can eat it with the sauce ( 참기름 , 참깨 , 간장 , 식초 ). Just dip it into the sauce and eat it. Voila! You have your Pajeon now. 잘 먹겠습니다 ^^ .


Korean Food/Buchimgae  Here’s another type of 부침개 . This time we add beef ( 소고기 ) and shrimp ( 새우 ) into it. You can also add squid ( 오징어 ). Chopped the 소고기 and 새우 . Then add them into the mixture. Prepare the pan. Add a small amount of oil and put the mixture. This time you cut 부추 into small size but not too small. Remember to flip it. You can eat it with the same sauce we mentioned above. Or if you like spice food, you can add Kimchi to your mixture. Done! 잘 먹겠습니다 ^^.


지난 수요일에 우리 한국어 반은 혜령 씨랑 원 씨랑 요리를 했어요. 우린 호떡, 파전, 부침개 그리고 김치를 만들었어요. 너무 재미 있고 즐고웠어요. 애들은 한국 요리에 대해 흥미가 많이 있네요. 그래서 우린 한국 개임 (frying pan 놀이)을 배웠어요. Last Tuesday, our Korean class had another cooking class with our Korean guests, Hye Ryong and Won. It was really fun and interesting. The kids and I learned a lot from them. Actually, we made our own Hotteok. When the guests arrived, Hotteok had already done. Before leaving to pick up the guests, I thought them how to cook Hotteok because previously I had tried to make it at home. According to our guests, our Hotteok was like the real Hotteok in Korea and it was very tasty too. Of course, the kids were glad to hear it. I used the same recipe as my호떡. 잘 먹겠습니다 ^^.


Say Kimchi! Now, we’re not talking about taking pictures. We will talk about the making of Kimchi. Hye Ryong taught us how to make Kimchi. First of all, you have to soak the 배추 with salt. But please make sure you don’t put too much salt or you will get a very salty Kimchi, like the one we had because I put too much salt. And there’s saying about being too salty in Sundanese people. If you cook salty food, it means you are yearning to get married. Hehehe, I am! You soak the배추 for 12 hours. Ah, remember to toss and turn the배추 every now and then. Next, wash the배추. Cut the배추 in two. Now you are ready to smear the배추 with the Kimchi sauce. For the recipe of the Kimchi sauce you can search in the internet. Remember to smear one by one of the leaf. Then after finish with the smearing you can put Kimchi in the refrigerator for at least 3 days before you eat it. There you go. Now you have your kimchi. 잘 먹겠습니다 ^^.