This Time We Tried Rafting, A Funny Rafting
After that tiring walking in Ranca Upas, this time we tried rafting. Hmm…it seemed we had an endless adventure. Yup, I think so too. I guess we’re addicted to adventure now. It’s so different with one of my friends who is addicted to making cakes….^^;
Last Saturday we did our first adventure with water. That Saturday rafting is our first rafting. Oh, the place is located in Pangalengan. Geez, I couldn’t stand that winding road. It made all of us feel uncomfortable. To distract my mind of that winding road, I kept eating “Kwaci” till we arrived in the spot. It worked really well in releasing the wind off my stomach.^^
Once setting the feet in Pangalengan, the first thing I did was taking out my camera and capturing the amazing views. If you see those photos, they might remind you of places in Europe or in the USA . I feel like that every time I see them. Lovely, if I may say. Well, nature always succeeds in blowing me away. 
Finally, our term came. Once we were all wrapped with life saving jacket and helmet, we’re ready to rock and roll. Wait! We had an idea. At first, we’re just planning to take our pictures near the plastic boat, but the instructors offered us to just take a ride with them on the boat. So, we had to climb up onto the boat which were placed on the pick up car. It’s a bit difficult to climb since we already wore that life saving jacket. I show you how hard it was. Well, as the model here is Noe. Watch how she struggled to climb up on to the boat! Fighting Noe!

Now, we’re one on one with the river. All of us were already in the boat and ready to start rafting. Really scary to think that we had to be able to struggle against the current with no skill at all. We didn’t even know how to hold the oar. But once we started rowing, the tension and nerve cracking were all gone. They were all replaced by endless laughing. Instead of feeling tense, I couldn’t help myself to keep on laughing at our lack of skill in rowing. Bu Rini and I didn’t get the duty to row since there’s none left for us. Our boat incessantly kept colliding against rocks or branches and trees. My four friends were overwhelming with the current and the oars. I know I shouldn’t have laughed at them but I couldn’t help it because it’s very funny how we screamed and shouted and they grumbled about rowing.
As we were getting close to the finish line, we anticipated the surprise from our instructor. The instructors have a habit of throwing the passengers off the boat. So, instead of being thrown, some of us including me voluntarily got off the boat by ourselves. Except for Bu Farida and Teh Endah, they both were thrown out from the boat by force. Teh Endah was panic even when we told her that she could touch the river bed now. She grabbed me as for not sinking. Oh, she took the wrong person since I am too skinny to support her. 
Anyway, over all it was great. As a matter of fact, once we got out of the boat, we wanted more. It’s too hilarious. Although some of us tumbled backwards (They are Teh Neng, Noe and Iis) and had to struggle to get back into the position again because our boat kept on hitting big rocks, we didn’t get traumatic. Our instructor too had all the fun with us. Can’t wait for another crazy funny adventure again. Where are we going next time guys????????????