이번 일요일에 난 누르, 안디과 함께 하국 축제 봤으러 치웍에 갔어요. 난 한국 전통 춤을 보고 싶었어요. 근대요, 춤을 없고 전통 음악이 있는데요. 그 한국 사람들이 바쁘게 보였어요. 누른 날 그들와 한국말로 말하는건 명령했어요. 난 그들이 바쁜시가 봤어서 당황하게 됐어요. 드디오, 한국말로 대화를 주고 받고 있을 수 있어요. 그들은 내 한국어를 이해할 수 있을테니까 즐겁게 됐어요. 그들와 함께 사진을 찍었어요. 한 명 아저씨가 나에게 “야, 잘하시네요.” 라고 말했어요. 난 그 말을 들었어서 얼마나 행복했던지 들은 말을 믿지 않을 수 있어요. 진짜 시나게 됐어요. 내 한국말은 좀 발전했어요.야, 신난다! *^^* 산산…멈추지 마! 발전은 아직 멀나마 계속 열심히 배우다! 아자 아자 화이팅!~^^/
It was starting as a very annoying day. I got lost on the way to Ciwalk. I took the wrong car. When I got there with my friend, I didn’t see any Korean people doing the performance. It turned out that the occasion was held in front of the supermarket. And it wasn’t traditional dance. They presented traditional musical performance like our percussion. Although it was a little bit disappointing, we could taste some Japanese and Korean food, such as 비빔밥, 김치 and 라면. But we had to be patient with queuing. I was hesitated to talk to those Koreans. But Nur forced me to do so. I saw one man, he probably the leader or a boss or something, was very busy preparing something. When I saw one of the musician passed by I immediately asked him to take a picture with me. But he said he’s busy and his band was about to perform. He said after the show we could take the picture together. And I said thank you to him. Indeed, after the show I was the first audience to take a picture together with those musicians. I managed to show my Korean ability. I spoke in Korean to them. One of them said that it was good. I was so excited to hear it. My Korean has improved. The strange Korean could comprehend my pronunciation. And when I saw another women asked the boss to take a picture, Nur urged me to do the same thing. And I did. Ah, before that I finally got the guts to talk to the boss saying it was a great performance. He seemed to be surprised. He asked whether I could speak Korean. I said yes a little then he shook my hand. It’s one of the amazing days for me. Ah, what a bliss.^___^
