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우리 졸업식 Graduation 13 SMA PLUS MUTHAHHARI

그 날은 아주 특별했어요. 모든 성생님이 노래를 불렀어요. 그래서 여자 선생님은 빨간색 옷을 입었어요. 이 년에 애들이 나에게 상을 줬어요. 내가 유치한 선생님으로 결정됐는데 감동됐지만 이상하고 슬프게 했잖아…애들아,…미안. 근대요, 난 그렇게 느꼈어요. 상을 받았을 때 한국말로 좀 말했어요. 이상하고 즐겼어요.난 연단에서 내려가서 우리 교장님이 날 “안녕하세요” 라고 말했어요. 그 말을 들었어서 깜짝 놀랐어요. 난 행복하게 됐어요 *^^*.
It’s another graduation in our school SMA PLUS MUTHAHHARI. The class of 2004 finally left the school. They presented an unusual thing. There’s an award show like Oscar. There’re 13 awards given to the chosen teachers. I was one of them. I was chosen as the most childish teacher according to the class of 2004. Phew! Happy but feels weird. Well, I just looked at the bright side. I could speak Korean although a little in front of the public including our school principal. While I was walking towards my seat, he greeted me in Korean by saying “Annyong Haseyo.” I was so surprised to hear it. Immediately I replied his greet. The female teachers dressed in red. This year theme was Yukata, but since we’re Indonesian, so we mixed our Yukata with Batik. Nice idea! There’s a man who said so. It was the first time for teachers to participate in the graduation. We presented some songs. Our choir group was formed in two days and we only got several hours to practice. But the result was not bad. The kids and the other audience seemed to enjoy our performance. Yeah, we did it! Who knows next time our choir group will be hired, hehehehe.


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